The Creator of the innovative Export Master® program

Chapter # 8 : Shipping

Shipping – Transport, Trade Barriers, Trading Blocs and International Organizations: Export & Import – Winning in the Global Marketplace, – A practical hands-on guide to success in international business, with exercises + 100s of real -world examples. This is a short synopsis from the chapter; Shipping – Transport, Trade Barriers, Trading Blocs and International Organizations. This video will give you examples of different ways to transport and the pros and cons. It will show you the importance of selecting the right one both for speed, security and to maximize your export price. We will describe documentation required and the importance of packaging both as a factor in transport but also to minimize cost. The presentation includes different trade barriers and how they influence you and how to The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) decides on the customs duty applicable. We exemplify free trade and trade agreements.